Alisha Martin
Our Founder
“You are a bad button!”
Who knew a throwaway line from a friend would turn into something much more? Having collected them through graduate school and beyond, head Corsetiere Alisha is still known for her extensive assortment of buttons. That and the beautiful corsets she makes here at The Bad Button.
Melding her unique experience in forensic anthropology and archaeology with museum work (where she first got her hands on antique corsets), Alisha blends her historical and anatomical knowledge with contemporary values to create the kind of well-crafted corsetry that takes pride of place in many wardrobes.

Alisha’s credentials
• Undergrad work in forensic anthropology and archaeology
• Graduate work in historic preservation and museum studies
• Spent 8 years working in museums
• Recipient of the Kentucky Arts Council’s Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Grant as a Master Artist
• Adjudicated member of the Kentucky Crafted Program